Special Skills

You can see your skills running the command /skills and if you want to see the stats of each skill you can run /stats. You can see the top skills running /skills top.


Skills are leveled up by completing certain tasks such as mining, enchanting, and grant effects, stats and other bonuses when leveling up.

MiningBreak blocks to earn xp to level up
CombatKill mobs to earn xp to level up
EnchantingEnchant items to earn xp to level up
FarmingHarvest crops to earn xp to level up
WoodcuttingCut down trees to earn xp to level up
FishingFish to earn xp to level up
AlchemyBrew potions to earn earn xp to level up
ArmoryTake damage to earn earn xp to level up
ExplorationMove to earn earn xp to level up


Statistics are the fundamental values of skills. They function like the attributes in the vanilla version, but are visible to the player.

DefenseReduces Incoming Damage
StrengthIncreases Outgoing Damage
Crit ChanceIncreases the chance to deal a crit
Crit DamageIncreases crit damage
SpeedIncreases movement speed
WisdomIncreases experience gained
HealthIncreases max health
FerocityChance to hit twice
Attack SpeedIncreases your attack speed


Effects are special abilities given to a player. They are levelled up by levelling skills.

Bountiful HarvestIncreases chance to get extra drops from farming
Versatile ToolsIncreases damage dealt by pickaxes
Eye of the DepthsIncreases chance to get rare loot from fishing
Serrated StrikesIncreases chance to cause your opponent to bleed, damaging them repeatedly
Seamless MovementIncreases chance to ignore fall damage
PotionmasterBrewed potions last longer
ShamanismIncreases the speed at which you regain helath
CraftsmanshipTake less durability damage on axes
Second ChanceChance to instantly fix items on low durability
Efficient BrewingDecreases the time taken to brew potions
Mystic ResilienceIncreases the chance to ignore negative potion effects
SatiationDecreases the rate at which you lose hunger
Golden YieldIncreases the chance to get 5x drops from farming
DodgingIncreases chance to ignore incoming damage
Accelerated EscapeGo faster after taking damage
BraveryTake less damage from bosses
Infernal ResistanceChance to ignore fire damage
DazzleChance to give your opponent nausea
Strong ImpactSmall chance to deal 3x damage
EndangeringChance to remove your opponents invulnerability frame
SpelunkingChance to get extra drops from ores
Dynamic MiningChance to get a short burst of Haste III while mining
ReimbursementChance to get given back xp levels after enchanting an item
OvercompensationChance to get given back lapis after enchanting
Magnetic RodIncreases fishing speed
Master LumberjackIncreases chance to get extra drops from trees


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